Smart Alarm Clock with Google Calendar and Raspberry PI

If you have a job which requires you to get up at a different time each morning it may be annoying to set your alarm everynight when you come home. Devon, a blogger from, coded a python script which wakes you up everytime your Google Calendar contains a date named “wake”.

You might ask yourself:”What exactly is the advantage” towards a normal alarm clock or my mobile?” The advantage is that you can access your Google Calendar from every deivce I know! People organizing their days with Google Calendar will find it pretty comfortable to add the exact time to wake up to their Calendars because it gives them a better overview of the time available throughout the day.


  • Raspberry Pi 
  • Internet connection
  • Speaker connection
  • Google Calendar
  • Python Script

This is Devon’s Script

#These are the imports google said to include

import gdata.calendar.service
import gdata.service
import atom.service
import gdata.calendar
import gdata.calendar
import atom
import getopt
import sys
import string
import time

import xe #for the time comparator
from import tf_from_timestamp #also for the comparator
from datetime import datetime #for the time on the rpi end
from apscheduler.scheduler import Scheduler #this will let us check the calender on a regular interval
import os, random #to play the mp3 later

#this is more stuff google told me to do, but essentially it handles the login credentials
calendar_service = gdata.calendar.service.CalendarService() = 'youremail@yourdomain' #your email
calendar_service.password = 'yourgcalpassword' #your password
calendar_service.source = 'Google-Calendar_Python_Sample-1.0'

def FullTextQuery(calendar_service, text_query='wake'):
print 'Full text query for events on Primary Calendar: \'%s\'' % ( text_query,)
query = gdata.calendar.service.CalendarEventQuery('default', 'private', 'full', text_query)
feed = calendar_service.CalendarQuery(query)
for i, an_event in enumerate(feed.entry):
for a_when in an_event.when:
print "---"
print an_event.title.text ,"Number:",i,"Event Time:",time.strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M',time.localtime(tf_from_timestamp(a_when.start_time))),"Current Time:",time.strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M')

if time.strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M',time.localtime(tf_from_timestamp(a_when.start_time))) == time.strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M'):
print "Comparison: Pass"
print "---"

songfile = random.choice(os.listdir("/home/pi/alarmclock/test_MP3s/")) #chooses the .mp3 file
print "File Selected:", songfile
command ="mpg321" + " " + "/home/pi/alarmclock/test_MP3s/" + "'"+songfile+"'"+ " -g 100" #plays the MP3 in it's entierty. As long as the song is longer than a minute then will only trigger once in the minute that start of the "wake" event

print command
os.system(command) #runs the bash command
print "Comparison:Fail" #the "wake" event's start time != the system's current time

def callable_func():
os.system("clear") #this is more for my benefit and is in no way necesarry
print "------------start-----------"
print "-------------end------------"

scheduler = Scheduler(standalone=True)
scheduler.start() #runs the program indefinatly on an interval of 5 seconds


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